Monday, April 14, 2008

Things we do for friends

If you know my dad, you know his hearing isn't his most fine-tuned sense. But God bless him, he sure tries to make out the conversation.

So a friend of mine has been wanting a Wii. Like for a while. But like most of us, can't "find" one, as they sell pretty quickly. I searched. I had my sister search in her post-op downtime. I called the stores. I stalked the employees. Okay, no I didn't but I was getting close to thinking I'd need to. And suddenly, one day, I found one! Online, low hassle - just click, click and it was done! I was so excited that when I met my dad that night for dinner and he said "Whats New?".

I said "I got my friend a Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!" just beaming.

Dad looks puzzled, shakes his head and says "You got your friend some WEED?".

Monday, April 7, 2008

Whatcha Doing?

I called my dad Saturday to see if he'd like to have dinner with us out at the cottage. Since we've moved, I think he misses me, Hannah, and specifically the dog who has adjusted to lake life quite well.

"What cha up to, Dad?".

"not much".

"You outside? Its nice out!"

"Yep, sittin' here in my chair in the driveway. Watching the traffic. " Then his voice lowers, evoking a bit of sympathy.....

"Got a ball in my hand, but no dog to throw it to!".