Monday, April 14, 2008

Things we do for friends

If you know my dad, you know his hearing isn't his most fine-tuned sense. But God bless him, he sure tries to make out the conversation.

So a friend of mine has been wanting a Wii. Like for a while. But like most of us, can't "find" one, as they sell pretty quickly. I searched. I had my sister search in her post-op downtime. I called the stores. I stalked the employees. Okay, no I didn't but I was getting close to thinking I'd need to. And suddenly, one day, I found one! Online, low hassle - just click, click and it was done! I was so excited that when I met my dad that night for dinner and he said "Whats New?".

I said "I got my friend a Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!" just beaming.

Dad looks puzzled, shakes his head and says "You got your friend some WEED?".

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